Niyc right
Niyc left

Through connection we can heal and lift ourselves, each other and our world. Together we can be, do, create, and have so much more.

gold together

That’s how we make waves, real waves. And that belief is at the center of who I am, and what I do. In business, and in life. For my students, my team, my clients and for you too.

I don’t just teach my mission and my values, I integrate them, live them, embody them.

And because I live what I do, I’m always in the work. I am exploring my own growth edges every single day. Because this work is never done I’m committed to going deeper, energetically, emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually.

I’ve navigated many tough times, experienced incredible growth, am living Unstoppable Success® - and have helped thousands of others to do the same. But most importantly, I’ve learned a key to everything - how to enJOY ALL of life’s experiences.

trust the process twice
trust the process twice
Trust the process and thrive

No matter what life throws at us, when we show up with intent, and trust the process, we learn, we grow, and we thrive.

yellow thrive

No matter what life throws at us, when we show up with intent, and trust the process, we learn, we grow, and we thrive.

When we love, embrace, and trust the process, we can see how powerful it can be for others too.

That’s why I love to figure out what doesn’t work so I can teach you what does. And the combination of my INFJ personality, known for deep thoughtfulness and imagination and the fact I’m a 3/5 projector in human design means I’m all about fine tuning and mastering my expertise to share it with you from the depths of my own experiences, so you can access MORE for yourself too.

Your mind

Walk YOUR path. Create your impact.

Walk YOUR path. Create your impact.

Together, we can do just that.

We can break through to that next level. And the next one after that. We can harness the strength and power within you to rise with confidence. I know it’s possible. And now it’s your turn, with me walking the path alongside you to guide you with the next steps.

It's time to see things differently. To think differently. And to open your mind to infinite possibilities, and Unstoppable Success.



Help other people thrive, prosper, and create victory

I’m Niyc, a Triple Certified Coach, Leading Business Mentor, Award Winning Positive Psychologist MSc, Award-Winning Hay House Author, International Speaker, Trailblazer - and Geordie in LA.

I’m Founder of global online training brand Unstoppable Success®, Creator of the Positive Psychology Coach Academy Certification® and I’ve been leading world class masterminds, in person events, and luxury retreats for the last decade. I’m committed to supporting you in your next level breakthrough to create big results, powerful transformations, and lasting positive change.

So who am I

I’m Niyc, a Triple Certified Coach, Leading Business Mentor, Award Winning Positive Psychologist MSc, Award-Winning Hay House Author, International Speaker, Trailblazer - and Geordie in LA.

Ever since I can remember I’ve been able to take life’s experiences and find the gold within them. From being bullied, raped, and losing close friends to suicide, I’ve found my way to become stronger, happier and more successful that ever before.

And all of those experiences have supported an inner strength and foundation for my teaching.

positive psychology coaching certification

Because whatever happens, there is always a lesson. A blessing. Something to pay forward.

Something to share in service to support creating an impact and help inspire others to move through life with more hope and grace.

My teachings my experiences
positive psychology coaching certification

I’m deeply grateful to now help other amazing women do the same, supporting you to transform your life and create your own story of success.

My challenges paved the way for my growth, and I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work, so you can benefit from my mistakes and hardships without needing to navigate the same path for yourself.

I left the UK for three months in LA in 2015, and never went home. Ever since, I’ve been trailblazing a way to understand the Unstoppable Success that’s possible when you say yes to yourself, and you commit to doing your inner work as well as reaching for your dreams.

I live every day as a ritual, and know for certain that by prioritizing your mental health and well-being, you can navigate the world your way. That’s what makes me the living proof that when you find the blend of who you are and how you show up, you can tap into your power to achieve all the success you desire, and lead the life you deserve.